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Labour Law

Online course

Language of the course:

Estonian language

Course volume:

100 academic hours of independent learning (including e-learning).

Short overview and structure of the online course

The Labour Law online course provides the knowledge needed to understand the labour law regulations and their application in practice through independent work. At the end of the online course, after having acquired new knowledge, a participant will be able to independently draft an employment contract in a field of their own choice (e.g., an employment contract for a driver, a shop assistant, an accountant, etc.). An independently drafted employment contract will be given oral or written feedback by the course supervisor.

The Labour Law online course is enriched with numerous video lectures that offer a comprehensive and in-depth exploration of various legal issues. The course thoroughly analyzes the practices of the Supreme Court and the Tartu and Tallinn Circuit Court of Appeal, District Courts, and Labor Dispute Committees, highlighting different perspectives and approaches. Through practical examples, participants gain a deeper understanding of the nuances of labour law, enabling them to apply this knowledge more effectively in real-life situations. For instance, how to ensure that overtime work is recorded correctly and compensated to avoid situations where the performance of overtime work cannot be proven.

The structure of the Labour Law online course can be found here.

Prerequisites for enrolling in an online course

There are no preconditions for participating in the Labour Law online course. All those who wish to acquire new knowledge or improve their existing knowledge of labour law are very welcome.

Documents delivered after the online course

Upon completion of the Labour Law online course, a certificate or a notice will be issued. A certificate will be issued on the basis of the achievement of all learning outcomes. In order to achieve the learning objectives, it is necessary to complete various written tasks (answering short questions, analysing employment contracts, etc.) and multiple-choice tests, as well as to draw up various documents: a letter of resignation, an employment contract, etc. Written feedback will also be given to the written assignments. They will be reviewed and fed back within 24 to 72 (usually 24) hours; then, you can move on to the next sub-module.

When can I start completing the online course? How long do I have to complete the online course?

Currently, it is not yet possible to register for this online course. As new ideas and concepts continually emerge during the work process, which we also incorporate into other online courses, enrolment for this online course has been delayed. In parallel, we are developing and updating five online courses: 1) Human Anatomy and Physiology, 2) Functional Anatomy, 3) Kinesiology Taping, 4) Situation-Based Massage, and 5) Labour Law online course. We also plan to create at least two of these in English. Once these five online courses reach a certain stage, we will open enrolment for all of them simultaneously, and we will do this within this year! If you would like us to notify you when registration opens for these online courses, please let us know via email at koolitused@multifarius.ee.

After enrolment, you have up to a year to complete the online course.

Price of the course:

150 €

150 €
Course instructor:
Henry Kristoving
100% online course
150 €