Organisation of Studies in Continuing Education and Quality Assurance Principles of MULTIFARIUS OÜ
Part 1 - Bases of the Organization of Studies
Chapter 1 - General principles
MULTIFARIUS OÜ's organisation of studies regulates both face-to-face and e-learning courses. Where the rules on certain matters do not cover e-learning, the principles of face-to-face courses apply to e-learning.
1. Definitions and scope
1.1 MULTIFARIUS OÜ uses the following terms for its organisation of studies and quality assurance principles:
1.1.1. Course provider: legal person governed by private law - MULTIFARIUS OÜ.
1.1.2. Course: a learning activity which, under the guidance of a course instructor or instructors, aims to provide course participants with new knowledge.
1.1.3. Course instructor: natural person related to MULTIFARIUS OÜ.
1.1.4. Course participant: a natural person who has enrolled and received consent to participate in the course.
1.1.5. E-course participant: a natural person who participates in a fully online learning course. No live lectures are foreseen in the online course; video lectures are pre-recorded.
1.1.6. Zoom course participant: a natural person attending a course that takes place in the Zoom environment.
1.1.7. Interested person: a person who is interested in a course or courses but has not yet enrolled.
1.2. The provisions of the Law of Obligations Act on service contracts (LOA § 619 et seq.) apply to the course services provided by the course provider.
2. Prerequisites for participation in the course
2.1 There may be educational prerequisites for enrolment.
2.2. Where there is a requirement for education or specific course completion, or both of the above, a reference will be highlighted on both the course registration form and the syllabus.
2.3. The course provider assesses the equivalence of education or course previously acquired at another educational institution by coordinating with the course instructor and gathering additional information from the interested party.
3. Course cost and payment procedures, exemption from tuition fees, and discounts.
3.1 Courses organised by the course provider are fee-based. Generally, a person is not exempt from paying tuition fees.
3.2 When a person registers for a course, he automatically accepts the obligation to pay.
3.3. The price of the course does not include VAT, and it is not added. It includes all the resources needed for the course.
3.4. Payment for the course must be made before the start of the course. Exceptions will be agreed upon between the parties in a form that can be reproduced in writing (e.g., by e-mail) or in written form.
3.5. Payment for the course may be made in installments, up to a maximum of two. The invoice for the first installment will be issued before the start of the course, and the invoice for the second installment will be issued at the beginning of the following month. If the difference between the two installments is less than two weeks, the second invoice will be issued the month after the first.
3.6. Discounts apply for long-term clients upon enrolment. The percentage of the discount is between 5-15%. The number of courses attended in the past will be considered when determining the discount.
4. Enrolment, cancellation of enrolment, withdrawal from the course, and refund of tuition fee.
4.1. Any interested person who fulfills the conditions in the second point can enroll for the course.
4.2. Enrolment does not automatically guarantee participation in the course. Participation in the course also requires the agreement of the course provider.
4.3. If an interested person has enrolled in a course but later wants to cancel it, they must inform the course provider within two weeks of enrolment. If a course up-front payment has been made, the course tuition fee will be fully refunded if notification is given in time.
4.4. If a participant cannot attend a course for a compelling reason (e.g., illness) and requests a refund of the course fees, proof must be sent to the course provider. For a compelling reason, the tuition fee will be refunded within five working days.
4.5. Participants who maliciously obstruct the course are not allowed to continue. The refund of the fee paid will depend on the specific case, but as a general rule, the course fee will be refunded.
4.6. In the case of the course instructor's illness, the course will be canceled, and the course tuition fee paid will be refunded. If the course is postponed and the participant decides to attend on a new agreed-upon date, the previously paid course fee will be automatically transferred to the new date.
Chapter 2 - Participation in a course
5. Arrival and participation in the course, lodging complaints
5.1 Participant must arrive at least 5 minutes before the start of the course to ensure a smooth start of the course.
5.2. If a course participant attends a course but feels that the course content does not correspond to the description, the course participant can withdraw from the course within the first two academic hours. The total tuition fee will be refunded if the course participant provides written documentation showing that the course does not meet the requirements. Otherwise, the tuition fee will not be refunded.
5.3. If the interested person or course participant needs more detailed information on the course content, the relevant topics can be found under the course curriculum. If the interested person or course participant is still determining whether the course content meets their needs, they should contact the course provider or the course instructor before enrolling. No claims will be considered afterward.
6. Distribution of course times and changes to the curriculum
6.1. The course provider's curriculum regulates the course duration in academic hours. One academic hour is equal to 45 minutes. The course duration may include face-to-face or independent learning. The registration form and the curriculum specifically reference this.
6.2. There will be a break during the course every two to three academic hours, except for specific courses. Each course participant has the right to request a break every three academic hours, and the course instructor must comply with the participant's request.
6.3. The principle set out in point 6.2 does not apply to the following courses due to their practical nature: kinesio taping, massage, first aid, and the like.
6.4. A course with a minimum duration of six academic hours per day shall include a lunch break of at least 45 minutes. The lunch break must be taken at the latest after the completion of four academic hours. The course participant has the right to request a lunch break of at least 45 minutes.
6.5 The course provider has the right to unilaterally make non-substantial changes to the thematic sequence and timetable to improve the course.
6.6. The course provider has the right to significantly change the duration and time distribution of face-to-face courses if the number of participants is less than six.
6.7. The course provider has the right to complete the course earlier if the learning pace has been faster than usual and all course participants have achieved the learning outcomes set.
7. Documents to be issued after the course
7.1. A notice will be issued to the course participant if the learning outcomes were not assessed during the course or the participant did not achieve the minimum level of learning outcomes.
7.2. A certificate is issued to a participant if the curriculum is designed based on learning outcomes and the participant has achieved the learning outcomes set.
7.3. A notice is only issued to participants who have attended at least 70% of the course.
7.4. The certificate or notice is issued free of charge within Estonia. It is issued on the day of the course or sent by post within five working days to the address given by the participant.
7.5. The certificate or notice can also be sent abroad. In this case, the course participant will pay the shipping costs.
7.6. We will also issue the certificate or notice electronically on request.
7.7. It is possible to reissue a certificate or notice (reissuance) if it has been lost. The certificate or notice can be reissued up to one year after the completion of the course. The reissuance fee is 15 euros.
8. Assessment of learning outcomes and disputing the results
8.1. If the learning outcomes are assessed during the course it will be noted in the course syllabus. The established learning outcomes are to be found in the course syllabus.
8.2. The learning outcomes assessment will use appropriate and reliable assessment methods.
8.3. If the learning outcomes are not achieved on the first attempt, the participant has the opportunity to complete up to two retakes, with the exact timing to be agreed separately with the course provider and/or the course instructor. Retakes can be completed within one year from the date of the regular assessment or course registration. If the deadline has passed, the course provider is not obligated to assess the achievement of learning outcomes within the context of a specific assessment method or methods.
8.4. If the participant is unsatisfied with the assessment or the final result, they have the right to challenge the course provider's (and the instructor's) actions. This must be notified to the course provider, who is responsible for gathering information and providing an objective and impartial assessment of the course instructor's actions within 30 calendar days.
9. Feedback to the course participant
9.1. The participant has the right to request feedback from the course provider or the course instructor on the learning process's performance. Feedback may be given either orally or in writing. Oral feedback may be provided on the spot, by telephone, via Zoom, or in a video clip. The course provider or the course instructor chooses the form of the feedback considering the participant's preferences.
9.2. The participant has the right to request feedback at any time during the course. At the end of the course, the participant has the right to request feedback within one month after the end of the course. The course provider or instructor must provide the feedback as soon as possible, but not later than within one week.
Chapter 3 - E-learning
10. Payment for the online course, participation in the online course, refund of tuition fees and feedback.
10.1. The online course enrollee can start the course once the course fee on the issued invoice has been paid by bank transfer to the course provider's account. The previous does not apply in cases where the parties conclude a separate agreement or the course provider finds it reasonable to issue the invoice later.
10.1.1. After registration, an e-course participant has the right to complete the course within one year. If the participant successfully completes the course within this time, the course provider has the right to remove the participant from the e-learning system, regardless of whether the one-year period has expired or not.
10.1.2. All accounts that have not been logged into for a year will be automatically deleted from the website.
10.1.3. If an online course participant is unable to complete the online course on time, they must notify accordingly, after which the completion period will be automatically extended by 12 months.
10.2. Completing online courses is only possible if the online course participant registers an account on the website.
10.3. If the online course participant feels that the content of the online course does not meet their requests and expectations, they have the right to claim a refund of the amount paid for the online course under the following conditions:
a) If the online course participant withdraws within one week after the start of the online course, the online course participant shall get refunded 90% of the online course price paid.
b) If the online course is canceled within one week of its start, the online course participant will be refunded 70% of the online course price paid.
c) If two weeks have elapsed since the start of the online course, the online course participant will be refunded 50% of the online course price.
d) If three weeks have elapsed since the start of the online course, the online course participant will be refunded 30% of the online course price.
e) If four weeks have elapsed since the start of the online course, 10% of the online course price will be refunded.
f) The online course fee will not be refunded if more than five weeks have elapsed since the start of an online course.
10.4. The online course participant does not need to give a reason for not wanting to continue the e-learning.
10.5. The payment and refund system for online courses applies to those with a minimum of 100 academic hours. A similar policy applies to shorter online courses but is proportional to the online course volume.
10.6. Course participant in an online course have the right to receive feedback on the assignments submitted during the online course. Feedback will be given either in writing or orally during the course. The form of the feedback will be chosen by the course provider, taking into account the preferences of the course participant.
11. Individual tuition/Individual courses
11.1. The course service can be ordered as individual tuition. The personal learning will be agreed upon separately between the interested person and the course provider, either by e-mail or telephone.
11.2. Individual tuition can be completed in a minimum of 2 academic hours.
11.3. Individual tuition will be conducted mainly live online, usually via Zoom. By agreement, it can also be provided version of a face-to-face course or in another online environment.
11.4. If you wish to participate in an individual course, please e-mail
11.5 The language of the individual tuition is either Estonian or English.
12. Video Lectures and Asking Questions While Completing the Online Course
12.1. Online courses are based on recorded video lectures. Video lectures are mostly structured in a way where the slideshow runs while the course instructor reads the text aloud – the course instructor's image is not visible. Some videos are also designed so that the course instructor's image is displayed during the lecture – for example, in the bottom right corner.
12.2. If an online course participant has questions during the learning process, they can submit them via email to the online course organizer. If the question(s) do not require a lengthy response, an email reply will be provided. For more detailed answers, we prefer one of three options: 1) by phone; 2) via Zoom; 3) by creating an additional video clip for the online course. For the first two options, a mutually convenient date and time will be arranged.
Part 2 - Basis for ensuring the quality of activities
Chapter 4 - Basis for ensuring the quality of the course provider's activities
13. Conditions and procedures for ensuring the quality of course instructors and curricula; procedures for collecting feedback.
13.1. Course instructors continuously improve the quality of their teaching by regularly attending formal education and/or courses that support both the course content and the quality of teaching.
13.2. The course provider designs the course based on the feedback received from the clients, guiding the course instructor's activities in developing the course content.
13.3. The course instructor's educational background and other relevant information about the course instructor's qualifications are easily accessible on the website by clicking the course instructor's name.
13.4 The quality of the curricula and their impact on the transfer of knowledge are usually assessed during the summer months. Each summer, the course feedback is summarised, and conclusions on the quality of the curricula are made to shape the subsequent course period. The evaluation is based primarily on the number of people who participated in the course, the number of people who enrolled for the next course, the feedback received, etc.
13.5. After the course, the course participant can give feedback to the MULTIFARIUS OÜ course service. Giving feedback is not compulsory but voluntary.
13.6. Feedback can be given on the MULTIFARIUS OÜ Facebook page or in reproducible written form (e-mail:
13.7. Feedback for face-to-face learning sessions can also be provided on-site, either verbally or in writing. If verbal feedback is not documented, it will not be disclosed.
14. Study environment, conditions, and procedures for ensuring the quality of the study environment
14.1. For face-to-face courses, chairs and tables are provided in the classroom for the duration of the course.
14.2. For massage courses, the classroom is furnished with massage tables, towels, oils/creams, a white paper roll for a massage table, silicone cups, and other necessary equipment.
14.3. Participants are not obliged to bring anything specific when they come to the course.
14.4. Course instructors usually use a projector to display a slideshow and/or other relevant information on the wall when conducting the course.
14.5. Course participants will generally be provided with an A4 or A5 bound booklet, except for e-learning, where the required materials will generally be made available electronically.
14.6. The courses will typically occur on business premises in various hotels, guest houses, or other companies (usually on a sublease basis).