Welcome to the Labour Law online course!
Tööõiguse e-kursuse sisu muutub nähtavaks, kui olete registreerunud tööõiguse e-kursusele ning teile on edastatud vajalik informatsioon, mis tagab ligipääsu e-õppe sisule. Kui registreerute täna e-kursusele, saate selle läbimist alustada 25. märtsil.
You can find the online course curriculum here. The online course is conducted in Estonian and costs 200 euros. After registration, the course can be completed within one year.
Course instructor Henry Kristoving
Register for the online course!
This section does not have any lessons.
1 Introduction
This section does not have any lessons.
2. Distinguishing an employment contract from other contracts
This section does not have any lessons.
3. Protection of the employee
This section does not have any lessons.
4. Entering into, form and content of the employment contract
This section does not have any lessons.
5. Notification of employee of working conditions in special cases
This section does not have any lessons.
6. Obligations of the employee
This section does not have any lessons.
7. Obligations of the employer
This section does not have any lessons.
8. Working and rest time
This section does not have any lessons.
9. Holiday
This section does not have any lessons.
10. Limitations of liability of the employee
This section does not have any lessons.
11. Expiry of employment contract
This section does not have any lessons.
12. Liability
This section does not have any lessons.
13. Labour disputes
This section does not have any lessons.