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skeletilihased, funktsionaalne anatoomia, funktsionaalse anatoomia, müofastsiaalsed liinid, Lihaspõhiste situatsioonülesannete lahendamine

Functional Anatomy

Online course

Language of the course:

Estonian language

Course volume:

100 academic hours: independent learning (including e-learning) 100 academic hours.

Short overview and structure of the online course

We have decided to create two Functional Anatomy online courses, one exclusively in Estonian and the other containing a lot of Latin terminology. The current functional anatomy e-course is in Estonian and contains only Estonian (specialised) terminology.

In the Functional Anatomy online course, you will learn about hundred different skeletal muscles, knowing at the end of the online course the names and locations of many different skeletal muscles in the human body. The online course will also give you a basic knowledge of the origins and insertions of the skeletal muscles, which will help you to identify the functions of the skeletal muscles, i.e. the specialised movement terminology: flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, internal rotation, external rotation, supination, pronation, etc. Functional anatomy provides a thorough basis for understanding the functioning of the human body at the level of skeletal muscles, particularly in the level of skeletal muscles functions. For example, which skeletal muscles form lordosis, which skeletal muscles are responsible for the flat back, which skeletal muscles form the foot arches (longitudinal and transverse arches), and so on.

For a more detailed structure of the online course, click here.

Prerequisites for enrolling in an online course

The Functional Anatomy online course is suitable for anyone who wants to start learning skeletal muscles from the beginning or refresh their knowledge. It also gives excellent basic knowledge for those who are planning to take the masseur exam in the future. Knowledge of functional anatomy plays a vital role in professional examination; for example, manual skeletal muscle testing is based on knowledge of skeletal muscle function. An in-depth understanding of the human skeletal muscles will also help solve various situational problems.

Completion of the online course

In order to participate in the Functional Anatomy e-course, you need to register an account on the website, which will later be linked to the Functional Anatomy e-course. More information will be provided after registration for the e-course. The e-course can be completed at a time and pace suitable to you personally.

Functional Anatomy e-course is based on recorded video lectures. If you have any questions during the course, you can email them to the course organiser. If the questions do not require a long answer, they will be answered by email. In the case of a longer answer, we prefer three options: 1) by telephone; 2) via Zoom; 3) creating an additional video clip to the e-course. In the case of the first two options an exact date and time mutually convenient to both sides shall be agreed.

Documents to be issued after the online course and feedback on assignments

Following the Functional Anatomy e-course, a certificate or a notice will be issued. A certificate will be issued on the basis of the achievement of all learning outcomes. In order to achieve the learning objectives, several written tasks (usually short-answer questions), multiple-choice tests, a final exam and a written assessment must be completed. Written assignments are also provided with feedback: they will be reviewed and fed back within 24–72 (usually 36) hours; then you can move on to the next sub-module. The aim of the feedback is to help you stay on track with the acquisition of new knowledge. For example, if there is a lack of in-depth knowledge acquisition in the first module, there will be no further substantive learning in subsequent modules. Therefore we use this type of feedback to help you stay on track with your knowledge acquisition. Written assignments (7 in total) will be taken at the end of the module as well as in several sub-modules. The module tests with multiple-choice answers – a total of 5 tests – are placed in the last sub-module of each module in the e-course.

When can I start the Functional Anatomy e-course? How long will it take to complete the e-course?

Currently, it is not yet possible to register for this online course. As new ideas and concepts continually emerge during the work process, which we also incorporate into other online courses, enrolment for this online course has been delayed. In parallel, we are developing and updating five online courses: 1) Human Anatomy and Physiology, 2) Functional Anatomy, 3) Kinesiology Taping, 4) Situation-Based Massage, and 5) Labour Law online course. We also plan to create at least two of these in English. Once these five online courses reach a certain stage, we will open enrolment for all of them simultaneously, and we will do this within this year! If you would like us to notify you when registration opens for these online courses, please let us know via email at koolitused@multifarius.ee.

After enrolment, you have up to a year to complete the online course.

skeletilihased, funktsionaalne anatoomia, funktsionaalse anatoomia, müofastsiaalsed liinid, Lihaspõhiste situatsioonülesannete lahendamine
Price of the course:

150 €

150 €
Course instructor:
Henry Kristoving
The course will be held in:
e-learning, + Google Map
150 €