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Classical Massage

Online course

Language of the course:

Estonian language

Course volume:

30 academic hours: independent learning (including e-learning) 30 hours.

Short overview and structure of the online course

Do you want to learn classical massage only in the online course? We have created an opportunity for you to do just that: the Classical Massage online course is designed in such a way that you can learn classical massage without having to attend a face-to-face course. However, we acknowledge that contact teaching is often unavoidable when it comes to classical massage. On the other hand, many people have learned classical massage so well through online course/e-learning that contact learning was unnecessary. Therefore, if you are willing and able to learn classical massage independently, you are very welcome to the online course.

Classical massage is recommended to be the first type of massage that every massage enthusiast learns at the beginning of their massage studies, given that the basics of massage are learned in the Classical Massage course. Suppose the baseline knowledge of massage is not acquired properly. In that case, this can lead to a situation where the following massage modalities fail to relate the information to anything, and the subsequent acquisition of knowledge is mechanical. Thorough knowledge and mastery of classical massage will help you to understand all other types of massage more systematically in the future.

The structure of the online course can be found here.

Prerequisites for enrolling in an online course

There are no preconditions for participating in the Classical Massage online course; it is available to anyone who wishes to acquire knowledge about classical massage.

Documents delivered after the online course

Upon completion of the Classical Massage online course, a certificate or a notice will be issued. A certificate will be issued on completion of all learning objectives. In order to achieve the learning outcomes, various written assignments have to be completed, and multiple-choice tests have to be passed. The online course organiser will provide written feedback on the written assignments. Written assignments will be reviewed and fed back within 24 to 72 (usually 24) hours; progress to the next module is then allowed.

When can I start completing the online course? How long do I have to complete the online course?

If you enroll in the Classical Massage online course, you can start completing it within 48 hours.

You have one year from enrolment to complete the online course.

Price of the course:

75 €

Register for the course

Enrolment conditions and organisation of studies
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75 €
Course instructor:
Henry Kristoving
100% online course
75 €

Register for the course

Enrolment conditions and organisation of studies
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