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anatoomia ja füsiloogia

Human Anatomy and Physiology

Face-to-face learning

2. November - 17. November

Language of the course:

Estonian language

Course volume:

80 academic hours, including 26 hours of face-to-face learning and 54 hours of independent study.

Short overview of the course

The Human Anatomy and Physiology course provides an overview of all human organs, i.e., systems: 1) circulatory system, 2) digestive system, 3) lymphatic system, 4) respiratory system, 5) urogenital system, 6) endocrine system, 7) nervous system, and 8) sensory system. In addition to the knowledge shared within one system, the links with other systems will also be explained. For example, how hormones produced by the adrenal gland affect the functioning of different organs, how the lymphatic and circulatory systems are linked, how blood pressure affects the functioning of the kidneys, and so on. The course will search for as many different links as possible between the different organs to more systematically understand the workings of the other human systems. It will be done in simple and easy-to-understand language. Interactive teaching tools are used to enable participants to experience and learn about the functioning of the human body in a practical way. The course is designed to be accessible to all interested people, regardless of their previous level of knowledge.

A profound knowledge of human anatomy and physiology is essential for those who want to provide the best possible service to their clients and/or patients. A comprehensive and systematic knowledge of human anatomy and physiology enables an understanding of the complex processes of the human body. With this knowledge, the best solutions can be provided. At the same time, this knowledge does not have to be acquired only to provide a service. This knowledge is also beneficial for oneself, as many diseases are better understood if one knows human anatomy and physiology. Over the years, many of our clients have attended courses not so much to provide a service but to become more aware of their health. It is more accurate to say that the current course is also aimed at those who wish to become more knowledgeable about the health field.

The Human Anatomy and Physiology course will take place on four days: 2.11.-3.11.2024 and 16.11.-17.11.2024.

Prerequisites for participation in the course

There are no prerequisites for course participation. The Human Anatomy and Physiology course is available to anyone who wants to learn it from the beginning or refresh their knowledge.

Documents delivered after the course

A certificate or notice will be issued upon completing the Human Anatomy and Physiology course. All learning outcomes must be achieved to receive the certificate. Participation in the assessment of the learning outcomes is voluntary, and a time will be agreed upon upon request.

What's included in the course price?

The course price also includes a voluminous bound booklet.


Day plan

2. November - 17. November (2.11, 3.11, 16.11, 17.11)

10:30 - 12:00


12:00 - 12:25


12:45 - 14:30


14:30 - 14:45


14:45 - 16:30


anatoomia ja füsiloogia
Price of the course:

180 €

180 €
Course instructor:
Henry Kristoving
The course will be held in:
Sauna 1, Audru (Pärnu), Eesti + Google Map

The room in the picture will be furnished with the equipment needed for the course. For example, a massage course will be equipped with massage tables and the like, and theory courses will have chairs, tables, and other necessary equipment.

180 €