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skeletilihased, funktsionaalne anatoomia, funktsionaalse anatoomia, müofastsiaalsed liinid, Lihaspõhiste situatsioonülesannete lahendamine

Functional Anatomy (evening course)

Face-to-face learning

9. Oktoober - 20. November

Language of the course:

Estonian language

Course volume:

80 academic hours, including 26 hours of face-to-face learning and 54 hours of independent study.

Short overview of the course

In the Functional Anatomy course, you will learn about hundred different skeletal muscles, knowing at the end of the course the names and locations of many different skeletal muscles in the human body. The course will also give you a basic knowledge of the origins and insertions of the skeletal muscles, which will help you to identify the functions of the skeletal muscles, i.e. the specialised movement terminology: flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, internal rotation, external rotation, supination, pronation, etc. Functional anatomy provides a thorough basis for understanding the functioning of the human body at the level of skeletal muscles, particularly in the level of skeletal muscles functions. For example, which skeletal muscles form lordosis, which skeletal muscles are responsible for the flat back, which skeletal muscles form the foot arches (longitudinal and transverse arches), and so on. The course will also cover Latin terms, which are also necessary to be familiar with, as this is an international professional language. At the same time, our course is based on Estonian terminology, as the course organization experience has indicated that it is easier to learn things first in Estonian and then add Latin terminology. The Functional Anatomy course is, therefore, a combination of the two languages.

Our Functional Anatomy course uses a human-scale model of the skeleton, providing a complete and practical learning experience. Each day includes both a theoretical and practical part where we review the positioning of skeletal muscles on the skeletal model. This will give you the basic knowledge you need to understand how the different parts of the body work together and influence each other. This approach will allow you to gain an in-depth understanding of the functions of skeletal muscles. The course's main objective is to provide a thorough understanding of human functional anatomy, which can later be applied in different fields.

The knowledge acquired in the Functional Anatomy course can be transferred into practice and will benefit masseurs, trainers, physiotherapists, persons who apply kinesiology tapes, chiropractors, yoga instructors, pilates instructors, etc.

The Functional Anatomy course will take place over seven evenings, once a week on Wednesdays: 9.10, 16.10, 23.10, 30.10, 6.11, 13.11, and 20.11.2024.

Prerequisites for participation in the course

There are no prerequisites for participation in the course, and anyone can attend.

The Functional Anatomy course is suitable for anyone who wants to start learning skeletal muscles from the beginning or refresh their knowledge. It also gives excellent basic knowledge for those who are planning to take the masseur exam in the future. Knowledge of functional anatomy plays a vital role in professional examination; for example, manual skeletal muscle testing is based on knowledge of skeletal muscle function. An in-depth understanding of the human skeletal muscles will also help solve various situational problems.

Documents delivered after the course

Upon completion of the Functional Anatomy course, a certificate or a notice will be issued. To receive the certificate, all learning outcomes must be achieved. Participation in the assessment of the learning outcomes is voluntary, and a time will be agreed upon upon request.

What's included in the course price?

The course price also includes a voluminous bound booklet.

Day plan

9. Oktoober - 20. November (9.10, 16.10, 23.10, 30.10, 6.11, 13.11, 20.11.2024)

17:45 - 19:15


19:15 - 19:30


19:30 - 21:00


skeletilihased, funktsionaalne anatoomia, funktsionaalse anatoomia, müofastsiaalsed liinid, Lihaspõhiste situatsioonülesannete lahendamine
Price of the course:

180 €

Register for the course

Enrolment conditions and organisation of studies
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180 €
Course instructor:
Henry Kristoving
The course will be held in:
Ihaste tee 7, Tartu, Eesti + Google Map

On the day of the course, the room will be arranged in a classroom style and furnished according to the theme of the course.

180 €

Register for the course

Enrolment conditions and organisation of studies
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