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Estonian tax law

Online course

15. September 2025

Language of the course:

Estonian language

Course volume:

100 academic hours, of which independent learning (including online learning) is 100 academic hours.

Short overview and structure of the online course

The online course on Estonian tax law will review both national and local taxes, and the corresponding legislation and distinctions:

  1. income tax;
  2. social tax;
  3. land tax;
  4. gambling tax;
  5. value added tax;
  6. customs duty;
  7. excise duties;
  8. heavy goods vehicles tax;
  9. business income tax;
  10. advertisement tax;
  11. road and street closure tax;
  12. motor vehicle tax;
  13. animal tax;
  14. entertainment tax;
  15. parking charge.

The structure of the Estonian tax law online course can be found here.

Prerequisites for enrolling in an online course

There are no prerequisites for participation in the Estonian tax law online course; it is suitable for anyone who wishes to acquire knowledge about Estonian tax law.

Completion of the online course

In order to participate in the Estonian tax law online course, you need to register an account on the website, which will later be linked to the tax law online course. More information will be provided after registration for the online course.

The Estonian tax law online course is based on recorded video lectures. If you have any questions during the course, you can email them to the course organiser. If the questions do not require a long answer, they will be answered by email. In the case of a longer answer, we prefer three options: 1) by telephone; 2) via Zoom; 3) creating an additional video clip to the online course. In the case of the first two options an exact date and time mutually convenient to both sides shall be agreed. If possible, we prefer to create an additional video clip to accompany the online course when answering questions.

Documents delivered after the online course

Upon completion of the Estonian tax law online course, a certificate or a notice will be issued. A certificate will be issued on completion of all learning objectives. In order to achieve the learning outcomes, various assignments have to be completed: answering short questions, taking tests, etc. Written feedback will also be given on written assignments. Written assignments will be reviewed and fed back within 24 to 72 (usually 24) hours; progress to the next module is then allowed.

When can I start completing the online course?

The online course will be open for enrolment in 2025 at the latest.

Price of the course:

200 €

200 €
Course instructor:
Henry Kristoving
The course will be held in:
e-learning, + Google Map
200 €