The Kinesiology Taping online course combines many different kinesiology taping techniques. In the Kinesiology Taping online course, you will learn how skeletal muscles can be kinesiologically taped and how to correctly apply kinesiology tape in a muscle-based way. The main aim of muscle-based techniques is to reduce the tension in the skeletal muscles and thereby positively affect the joints and the body as a whole. When using muscle-specific techniques, the kinesiology tape is applied without stretching from the origin of the skeletal muscle to the point of insertion or vice versa while stretching the client's skeletal muscles. In addition to muscle-based techniques, the online course will also cover 'continuation' techniques: typically, a kinesiology tape is applied to the human body with stretching tension to partially change the position of the joints (and also the bones) to ensure better posture or joint stability, to prevent injuries, etc. The difference between the techniques is that while the muscle-based techniques are applied primarily by stretching the skeletal muscles, the so-called 'continuation' techniques are more characterized by the opposite situation: the kinesiology tape ensures that the skeletal muscles are strengthened. However, these are not the only 'continuation' techniques, as lymphatic circulation techniques, ligament techniques, pain point techniques, etc., are also discussed in the Kinesiology Taping online course.
Prerequisites for starting a course
There are no prerequisites to participate in the Kinesiology Taping online course; applying the kinesiology tape is not a difficult process, so we did not find it necessary to set additional prerequisites.
Volume, duration, and structure of the online course
The Kinesio Taping online course has a total of 20 academic hours, all of which are independent work (including e-learning). One academic hour is equal to 45 minutes.
The Kinesiology Taping online course can be accessed for one year after enrolment. As the online course is based on recorded video lectures, you can complete it at a time and pace that suits you.
The Kinesiology Taping online course consists of four main modules:
I. General Theory
The first module provides an overview of the basic principles of kinesiology taping, including different techniques and their applications. It explains how and when to use the various techniques, how to apply kinesiology tape correctly, and more. This module introduces the fundamentals of kinesiology taping and provides a solid foundation for the following modules, which will be more practical.
II. Kinesiology Taping of the Upper Extremities
The second module focuses on the upper extremities, covering the kinesiology taping techniques that can be used in this area. Guidance and explanations are provided on how to most effectively use kinesiology taping on the hand, forearm, upper arm, and shoulder girdle area.
III. Kinesiology Taping of the Lower Extremities
The third module follows a similar structure to the second. It focuses on the kinesiology taping of the lower limbs, including the pelvic girdle, thigh, lower leg, and foot. Guidance is also provided on what to do and what to avoid to ensure effective kinesiology taping.
IV. Kinesiology Taping of Other Areas
The final module reviews other body areas that can be taped using kinesiology taping techniques.
Kinesiology Taping online course topics
The Kinesiology Taping online course includes the following topics:
- the history of kinesiology tape and kinesiotaping;
- an overview of kinesiology tapes;
- the advantages and disadvantages of different kinesiotaping techniques;
- misconceptions about kinesiotaping;
- the range of creativity acceptable in kinesiotaping;
- main indications and contraindications of kinesiotaping;
- the way kinesiology tape works and its effects compared with other fields;
- the shapes, colors, cost, and price of kinesiology tape;
- the basics of application and removal of the kinesiology tape;
- skeletal muscles correct stretching;
- the role of breathing when kinesiotaping;
- major versus minor skeletal muscles and skeletal muscle cooperation;
- skeletal muscles names, their origins, and insertions at the base level;
- the duration of time the kinesiology tape stays on the skin and its correct removal;
- application of kinesiology tape to the muscles of the arm, forearm, upper arm, shoulder girdle, thigh, pelvic tilt, shoulder blade, neck muscles, etc;
- jalavõlvide ja hüppeliigese kinesioteipimine; põlve kinesioteipimine;
- vaagna ja selja piirkonna kinesioteipimine; kinesioteipimine skolioosi korral;
- shoulders position correction; affecting smaller joints (e.g., the thumb joint) with kinesiology tape;
- rasedate kinesioteipimine; kinesioteipimine tursete korral;
- so-called "pain point" kinesiotaping;
- modified kinesiotaping;
- other body regions that could be kinesiotaped.
Curriculum learning outcomes and documents to be issued
The Kinesiology Taping online course assesses the achievement of learning outcomes. To achieve the learning objectives, participants have to successfully pass multiple-choice tests and various written tasks (answering short questions, etc.), as well as the final test and the written examination. A certificate will be awarded upon achievement of the learning outcomes. If not all learning objectives are achieved, a notice will be issued. The notice is issued on condition that at least 70% of the online course has been completed.
The certificate or notice is sent free of charge within Estonia; sending abroad is subject to agreement. We can also issue an electronic certificate or notice on request.
Learning outcomes and their assessment
Participant of the Kinesiology Taping online course:
- is familiar with the different techniques of kinesiology taping;
- understands the basics of kinesiology tape application;
- be able to independently locate skeletal muscles origins and insertions with the aid of the learning material;
- be able to measure the correct length of kinesiology tape and, if necessary, cut kinesiology tape to a proper shape;
- be able to correctly apply the kinesiology tape in a muscle-based way, based on the given situation;
- oskab kliendi kehaasendi konkreetsete situatsioonidega vastavusse kohandada, misjärel optimeerib kinesioteibi venituspinget ning paigaldab kinesioteibi nahale, kasutades selleks kindla kinesioteipimise tehnika aluspõhimõtteid.
The following assessment methods are used to assess the achievement of the learning outcomes:
- sub-module tests (4 in total);
- answering short questions (10+10+10+10 questions in total)
- a multiple-choice final test (40 questions);
- independent completion of practical tasks: creating a personal kinesiology taping manual – applying kinesiology tapes based on various situations.
Assessment of learning outcomes takes place at the end of each submodule. Written assignments receive written feedback, which may take 24–72 hours; only then, once the independent work has been reviewed and feedback provided, can you proceed to the next (sub)module.
In addition to the Kinesio Taping online course, what other online courses could you participate in?
After completing the Kinesiology Taping online course, it is worth considering completing the Functional Anatomy online course, as it will provide the necessary knowledge to better understand the skeletal muscle system.
The effects of Cupping Massage are similar to kinesiology taping (only the intensity is different); therefore, one might consider completing the Cupping Massage online course either before or after the Kinesiology Taping online course.